CSA starts the week of May 1st, with an option of receiving shares every other week (7 weeks) or every week (14 weeks).
To learn more about CSA Memberships, click here!
In our standard CSA Membership, each weekly "share" will include a variety of 6-12 different crops from Dirt Beast Farm. During some weeks, in order to add variety, we source produce from one of our partner farms, such as Woodland City Farm, Pearl Family Farm, Two Sisters Farm, and others. Each weekly share will feature produce equaling a minimum of $30 in value based on our farmers market pricing, but it is usually around $32-$36 in value (as a thank you to our members). An example of one week's share is: 1lb lacinato kale, 1 small head of cabbage, 1/2 lb shishito peppers, 1 bunch of mixed yellow and orange carrots with tops, 3-5 large slicer tomatoes, one bunch fresh onions, one bunch of mint.
On the Tuesday before your weekly pickup or delivery, Jameson will email a list of crops that will be in that week's CSA to all the CSA members. CSA members also have first pick of any standalone produce that we sell on our site (for instance, if you would like to add a half pound bag of baby mustard salad greens to that week's CSA share, you will receive first dibbs :). During some weeks, we will offer substituions for some crops in the share. Some weeks we may be limited in our harvests and substitutions won't be available. However, in the case of allergies or an extreme distaste for a certain crop, please let us know and we will offer a range of substitutions either from our farm or from a partner farmer.
What happens if you're out of town or otherwise unable to receive a week's CSA-share?
If any of our members cannot receive their weekly share due to sickness, travel, etc, there is a possibility that we will be able to add on a week to the end of the schedule in order to make up that share. Sometimes this is not possible, be we make every effort to make that happen. Should a CSA member need to skip a week's share, please email Jameson so that we have it in writing and it doesn't get lost in our faulty memories (written records greatly help us keep track of things). Alternatively, CSA members can opt to have a friend or family member receive that week's share - just shoot over an email letting us know.
What happens if we are unable to fulfill a week's CSA-share?
In the case of a severe emergency such as debilitating sickness, extreme weather that causes crop or infrastructure destruction, or a plague of grasshoppers that wipe out crops (this did happen to us in 2019 - we lost almost half of everything in the field) - well, this is an aspect of the "community support" in Community Supported Agriculture: in those instances we may cancel that week's CSA without refund. This has never happened, and we hope beyond hope that it doesn't, but it is a possibilty. This may sound unfair from a purely market-based perspective, but as I've been farming, I have realized how many aspects of farming do not follow conventional market-based logic (and those aspects explain why so many farms go out of business, historically and presently, and why growing food is barely profitable in general, despite our need for fresh produce). Through a Membership, our CSA members keep our irrigation running and our employees paid even when there is no revenue coming in during a disaster. (But know: we work extremely hard to make sure we are as prepared as possible for sickness, disaster, and pestilence 🤕🌪️) Our CSA members are literally the only piece of security that would keep us from going out of business should something like that happens, which is why our CSA members are so important. So THANK YOU to our CSA members.
If choosing the weekly payment option you will begin making weekly payments as soon as you complete the check-out process.
Please note - if you're interested in Delivery:
If you are paying for the full 14-weeks at once, at checkout please select "CSA (Full Payment) Delivery" for $45 - this comes out to roughly $3.25 per week for your CSA, which is roughly equal to our delivery our fuel costs.
If you are paying for the CSA memberships with weekly installments, please select "CSA Delivery (for weekly installment payments)"
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Price Options
One-time purchase
Weekly Payments
$30.00every week for 14 weeks
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