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From The Buffalo Seed Company


PEPPER (Capsicum chinense) (90-100 days) —

"Gifted to us from a great person, friend, pepper farmer in Jamaica, intellect, seed saver, and supporter of diversity. Jamaican Red Hot is a perfect balance of heat and citrus flavor. The peppers require a long season to properly mature in the Midwest, but the season needed has been decreasing the more we grow them here. Peppers size can approach the size of a small bell pepper. Ideal pepper for making hot sauce, pickling, and marinades! Grow 10 times more than you think because a bottle of hot sauce from these bad boys wont even get you into the fall, trust us." -Buffalo Seed Company


Locally grown, no chemicals, open pollination, no field irrigation, organic, locally adapting


The Buffalo Seed Company supplies growers in the Midwest with locally adapting horticulture and crop seeds to increase the resiliency and sustainability of our local food systems. The Company was launched by Matthew & Nancy Kost in October, 2018. Nancy is from the Altiplano of Bolivia and grew up growing quinoa, potato, and llamas in a resilient and sustainable system that predates the Inca Empire. She has since acquired a bachelor degree in agronomy from Earth University in Costa Rica, a Master of Science Degree in tomato breeding from The Ohio State University. Matthew is originally from Kansas City and has returned after obtaining a Bachelor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Kansas, a Ph.D. in Evolutionary Agroecology from The Ohio State University, and Postdoctoral degree in conserving amaranth and quinoa landraces in Peru. Matthew and Nancy have extensive farming experience throughout the Americas and have deep knowledge and wisdom of seeds, seed systems, evolution, ecology, and adaptation.

Big Jamaican Red Pepper Seedling (Hot) 1-pack

SKU: gt29
$5.00 Regular Price
$4.00Sale Price
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