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What's the Deal with Dirt Beast Farm?

Dirt Beast Farm was founded, like many small farms, with a lot of spirit and not a lot of cash, with the mission of doing what little we could to combat climate change through small-scale regenerative agriculture.  Farm owner Jameson Hubbard broke ground in 2018 on 1.5 acres of urban land in the heart of Kansas City, MO…and after 3 years we have transformed those 16 overgrown and polluted vacant lots into healthy, productive, and ecologically vibrant agricultural land.


In 2021 we began selling at farmers markets, to restaurants, and started a small CSA program, which we continue and have expanded.  And while we increase our yields year over year, we are also dedicated to providing many neighborhood services such as carbon sequestration and urban green space, high paying green jobs, native habitat establishment, a “third-place” for our neighbors to gather, among other benefits.


Over the years of growing Dirt Beast Farm, among our successes, we also made many, many mistakes.  Real talk: Small-scale agriculture in the United States is ridiculously financially challenging (if not nearly impossible to maintain in the long run), and Dirt Beast Farm would not exist without the generous support from the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Cultivate KC, many volunteers, friends, family, neighbors, and fellow farmers.


In the coming years we hope to offer more opportunities for neighbors and the wider public to experience Dirt Beast Farm through farm events, expand our native habitat work, and encourage “sustainable farming in every way”: environmentally, socially, and financially.  Stay tuned for more events, more fruits and vegetables, and more information on what it takes to start a farm yourself…because we, and our planet, need more productive stewards and fewer mega-corporations.


Follow along with our Newsletter and Substack here!


Urban Wildlife Habitat


Ecologically sustainable farming means valuing both a high level of production as well as the environmental health and habitability of the land for nonhuman species.  At Dirt Beast Farm, we hold those values close to our hearts.  Aside from the organic and regenerative practices we put in place for the purpose of growing vegetables, we also dedicate a large quantity of land to urban wildlife habitat.


Walk along our sidewalks during the spring, summer, and fall, and you will be hypnotized by the swarms of pollinators visiting our kaleidoscope of flowers, verdant native trees, and towering sunflowers.  In the winter, we leave the duff (ie the dead stalks and leaf matter) of the annual flowers for insects to overwinter.


Venture down the hill and you will find the beginnings of a 16-ft wide wildlife pond.  As we raise funds, the muddy hole will become a teeming habitat for insects, minnows, water-loving native plants, and amphibians.  Just past this, and you will find yourself amongst tender saplings, sedges, and more wildflowers planted in a 1/4 acre strip hillside - a home for migratory birds and animals finding respite from the chaos of the city.


Our efforts to create a thriving oasis for our insect, mammal, avian, fungal, amphibious, and bacterial brothers and sisters in an urban environment that severely disregards their value could not happen without our supporters.

Meet the Team

In addition to our hardworking fieldhands, we also welcome a small number of volunteers dedicated to the values of local, sustainable agriculture.  If you're interested in learning about volunteering, click here.


Jameson Hubbard, Farm Owner.  Jameson likes to take photos and videos of the wildlife on the farm in his spare time, and loves a good Neapolitan pizza and Negroni.  Don't ask him about farm economics unless you want an earful.

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Avrey, Right-Hand Fieldhand.  

Avrey is returning for their 3rd season in 2025!  If Avrey was an animal they'd choose to either be a frog or caterpillar, and in their free time they like to garden and take hang out with their adopted cats.

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